There are definitely some great perks to being in the program though. For example, there is always some kind of event going on with free dinner or free lunch and we get to go to fun events and listen to great lectures. Two Fridays ago we got to do the "Pit Crew Challenge". A race car team from Canada goes around the country giving motivational lectures to different corporate companies and to a few selected Universities, BYU being one of them. So we got to break up into teams and take turns changing the tires of a real race car as fast as we could. I was the chief executive for my team, which basically meant that I didn't get to do anything awesome, I just made sure everything was going according to plan (I even had a clipboard to make me look official). It was a pretty fun experience.
Here are some pictures of the Pit Crew Challenge--I'm the one in the jumpsuit. I looked like a baller hahahaha
This was my team. The guy standing next to me was on my co-ed soccer team last winter. He's the bomb.
This past Tuesday President Hinckley spoke for the weekly devotional at BYU. Of course it was amazing, as always, to hear him speak in person. My favorite part is the incredible spirit you feel as he walks into the Marriot Center, there is no way to deny he is a Prophet of the Lord. He spoke on the Thirteenth Article of Faith, emphasizing the first line of being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men. It was great!!! I feel so blessed to be able to attend BYU.
Also, Friday night I went to the homecoming spectacular which is a huge performance of all the great performing groups at BYU. For the whole second half of the show the Mormon Tabernacle Choir performed along with the Orchestra at Temple Square. It was awesome. I saw Brody on the big screen a few times, and Heidi watched him through her binoculars hahahaha.
Those are a few of the big events that have been going on for me lately. I'll be sure to post more pictures next time. I love you all!!